OK Google Take a Photo…
|Google has recently updated its Google Search / Google Now App with new voice commands, which would enable the users to start camera applications in either the photo or video modes with the “OK Google, Take a Photo” or “Ok Google, Take a Video”.
Google on its Blogpost (https://plus.google.com/+google/posts/bqEAeuL1Vvh) said “The first home run in T-ball, the surprise proposal, or just that gorgeous sunset… Sometimes the perfect photo passes you by as you fumble with your phone to open the camera app. Now with the Google Search App on Android, you can just tap the microphone or say “Ok Google,” then “take a photo” or “take a video”. Google will launch your camera app in the preferred mode. So update your app, snap those shots and don’t forget to show off your beautiful photos!”
But one thing to know here is that the update would not necessarily provide a faster access to the camera and could be better useful with the upcoming Google wearables which would have the ‘always-on listening features’ enabled that would open the camera on the phone in the appropriate mode, another note to be made is that the voice commands would not take a picture but would only open the camera in the mode while the clicking of the picture would have to be done manually.
The announcement of the new feature in the update has raised mixed reactions from around the world, where some are expressing concerns privacy and security, while others are passive to quite adapt considering it to be only another way to open the camera without achieving much. This is still the first step and let us hope that there are better offerings, upgrades and enhancements for a larger spectrum of utilities from the “Ok Google”.